
Posted by admin - 5月 1st, 2013 ↑ blog top


The Times Trasplantation Building


Sanno apartment was completed in 1967.Since 1967, this room has not been renovated.
This room has been renovated only after 45 years.
This room, which was completed in 1967, is a Japanese style.Resection of the part of the Japanese-style room, I transplanted the new style in 2012.Design concept is that the coexistence of two styles of different eras.My intention is to make the birth of the room with a new value.I believe that the use of Japanese-style room, which was completed in 1967, transplanted a new design, and can be given a new value in this room.

■The Times Trasplantation
Loss of value of the space left behind the times.
Cutting off a part of it and removed , trasplanted and compound a different times there.
There also seems to like a surgical operarion, but it is also like a plastic operation.
There are classified by 3parts of lifeline that is, first, “a drainage pipe, a service pipe, and a gas pipe” as vein, and “electric wire” as nerve, at last , that is “oil supply machines” as internal organs.
To displace the broken lifeline and transplant new items.

Space left behind the times in 1967.
Cutting an incision in the part of the interior that make up the surface like the skin.
The same way as the fresh air is brought through the open door, the world of 2012 is transplanted into the world of 1967.
It seemed as if value was lost in 1967 by remix of design effect that different times stand in line,  new values like a new story were produced.
Paralleling of the world of 1967 and 2012, different times and design are born as combination of different times of the space.

< 英訳:Natsuki Maki >

“ザ タイムズ” トランスプランテーション ―  “時代” 移植

その一部を切開、切除し、そこに異なる “時代” を移植し縫合する。
臓器ともいえる給湯器等の「住設機器」、傷んだこれらのもの を切除し新しい部材を移植、

異なる時代が並列したデザインリミックス効果により、価値が喪失したように見えていた1967年空間が逆転し新しい物語=価値 が生み出される。

→山王マンション 305号室 リノベーション

企画 / 運営:㈱スペースRデザイン
設計:信濃設計研究所/nano Architects
写真:日髙 康智 (air studio)


主要用途:1F・テナント / 2F〜6F賃貸マンション
延床面積:305号室 48平米

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